Turbocharge Your Business Growth By Getting Onboard the Quickest Safety and Compliance Platform
“Kiri Align is your one-stop-solution to getting control over all your business’ safety and compliance needs and integrating your workforce.”
Abide by Chain of Responsibility (COR) laws, prevent hazards, improve workplace safety, and build a safety culture – all on a single app, that can be accessed on the go – at any time from anywhere!

Health, Safety And Compliance – Anytime, Anywhere
With our easy-to-use app, you can empower your workforce to manage safety and work with peace of mind. Our instant onboarding process helps you get your system up and running in just a few seconds.
Intuitive Safety Features
Workforce Inductions and Training Logs
Create dynamic forms and checklists for all your safety and operational training needs. Also, keep logs and track of the same.
JSAs and Incident Management
Report, investigate, track, and maintain a visual scorecard of incidents, hazards, and near misses in real-time. This is crucial for protecting workers, customers and business from adverse exposure.
Operational Procedures and Audits
Conduct hassle-free audits for various business operations, assets, and sites and create/ update/ share/ manage your safe operating procedures/ SWMS with distributed workers.
Pre-starts, Service Checks, Policies & Practices
Easy procedure for creation, maintenance, and compliance with business policies, pre-start and service checklists for users and equipment.
Digital File Storage and Built-in Calendar
Central cloud-based file storage system with strict access controls and built-in calendar to manage recurring checks/audits. You can set reminders for workers or push notifications directly to their smartphone.